"Autorzy Pod Lupą" - Autorka Erotyczna!!!

Whitney G.

A self diagnosed candy addict, travel junkie, and hypochondriac, Whitney Gracia Williams LOVES to write about characters that make you laugh, cry, and want to (in the case of Selena Ross) reach through your Kindle and slap them.

She is the "imaginary bestselling" author of the Jilted Bride Series, Mid Life Love, Wasted Love, and Captain of My Soul.

When she's not locked inside her room, feverishly typing away on her laptop, she can be found here: http://www.whitneygracia.com

She also loves getting emails from her readers, so if you want to tell her how much you loved (or hated) her stories, email her at whitgracia@gmail.com

Okładka książki At Last
If you ask me if Jonathan Statham makes me happy, I’ll say ‘Absolutely. He’s the man of my dreams and I can’t wait to marry him.’ If you ask me why my ex-husband Ryan is currently one inch away from me—staring into my eyes and pressing his hand against my cheek, I’ll say, ‘I have no fucking idea…’

Claire Gracen finally has the life she’s always wanted: A career she loves, a man who’s willing to do any and everything for her, and friends that show her the true meaning of the word ‘friendship.’

As she and Jonathan prepare to make the ultimate commitment to one another and plan the wedding of her dreams, she quickly realizes that the hurtful past she left behind in Pittsburgh is a lot closer than she thought.

Sexy, unpredictable, and as charmingly clever as Mid Life Love, ‘At Last’ will captivate you from the first page and never let you go.

Bezwstydny klient - Whitney G. (4929430) - Lubimyczytać.pl
Szczery, bezpardonowy i niezwykle seksowny. Ten klient ma wysokie wymagania!

Penelope niedawno straciła dwa ważne biznesowy kontrakty i faceta, który ją zdradził. Kiedy na horyzoncie pojawia się nowe zlecenie, od razu je przyjmuje. Radość kończy się szaleństwem w klubie i porankiem z przystojniakiem w łóżku. Brzmiałoby to jak romantyczna przygoda, gdyby nie fakt, że facet okazuje się jej nowym klientem.

Can I Come Over? - Whitney G. (4930628) - Lubimyczytać.pl
It all started with a sex scene…

Well, I was failing to write a sex scene.

As an author of over fifty smut books, I was struggling to do what I did best. So, for fun, I asked one of my best online friends for some help.

I really shouldn’t have done that…

He wrote the scene far better than I ever could, and seven months of platonic, yet-flirty friendship were wiped away in ten minutes.

He asked to meet me in person…

We’d previously agreed to keep things digital, to remain faceless friends—since he was forty-two, and I was twenty-six, but neither of us could resist.

When I saw him at the airport, I was instantly attracted to him.

But I knew, right then and there, that we could never be.

It turns out that the man I’d been talking to for the past several months was the last person I expected.

The last person I should ever think about…

He’s my dad’s best friend.

Forget You, Ethan - Whitney G. (4867225) - Lubimyczytać.pl
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

I've hated Rachel Dawson since I was seven years old. My next door neighbor and number one sworn enemy, she's the reason why almost all of our childhood fights ended with me setting something of hers on fire. (Or, vice versa.)

She snitched on me when I broke curfew.

I snitched on her when she lied about having a boyfriend.

We went back and forth like this throughout high school, both vowing to never talk to each other again when we went off to college.

But that was until she showed up at my apartment during my senior year and asked me for a temporary place to stay. Until I realized just how much between us had changed, and the line I thought we'd never cross became harder and harder to ignore...

Grzeszny doktor. Intensywne doznania. Tom 2 (Whitney G.) książka w ...
Garrett Ashton to zabójczo przystojny lekarz, który nie może odpędzić się od namolnych pacjentek. Chociaż nie jest ginekologiem, to bardzo wiele z nich upiera się, aby zbadał je „tam na dole”. Jakby tego było mało, jest przepracowany, zmęczony i coraz bardziej rozdrażniony.
Natalie Madison właśnie straciła pracę, chociaż jest najlepszą specjalistką w swoim fachu. Zatrudnia się w prywatnej klinice, którą prowadzi bosko seksowny i niedostępny Garrett. Nie jest do końca zachwycona, bo zawsze chciała wspierać publiczny szpital, a nie kisić się w gabinecie na wizytach tak drogich, że sama nie mogłaby sobie na nie pozwolić.
Kiedy odkrywa, że jej nowy szef i mężczyzna, któremu zwierzała się w internecie ze sprośnych fantazji to jeden i ten sam człowiek, musi zachować zimną twarz, aby się nie zdradzić. Praca przy jego boku będzie bardzo trudna, ale też cholernie rozpraszająca.

King of Lies - Whitney G. (4916180) - Lubimyczytać.pl
The man I fell in love with is a f*cking liar...
I don't have much time to reveal all the details, but I will say this: The "Woman disappears after wedding" and "Woman flees before honeymoon" headlines are lying.
I'm not missing.
I didn't run away after my wedding.
I would've never run away right before our scheduled honeymoon.
My husband has taken me.
No, correction: He's kidnapped me because he claims that "it's what's best". That I'm a mere pawn in his twisted game of chess.
Despite the fact that my heart is still tethered to his, or the fact that he's still the most gorgeous and beautiful man I've ever met in my life (he can still make me wet with a single sentence), I have to focus on getting away from him.
I have to accept that he's no longer the man I fell in love with.
He's the king of lies...

Late Night Kisses - Whitney G. (4874111) - Lubimyczytać.pl
The Official Recipe for Nathan Benson:

2 cups cockiness
1 mouth that's far sexier when it's shut
1 huge ego that can't fit in the damn mixer
1 BIG, HARD co--Well, you get the picture...

As a pastry chef, I can tell exactly what a man is made of the moment he walks through my shop's frosted glass doors.

So, the moment Nathan Benson showed up over half an hour late to our blind date (with no explanation), caught the gaze of every woman in the diner with his panty-melting smile, and said, "I personally don't think we should waste any more of our time sitting here talking," after only five minutes of conversation, I knew he was one of the rudest concoctions ever created.
I also knew there was no way in hell I was going to see him again.

Or, so I thought.

Days after I abandoned him on our first date, he tracked me down with one hell of a way to get me to agree to a second one. (And a third, and a fourth.) I swear if it weren't for the fact that I was being blackmailed by the sexiest man I've ever met, I would've reported him to the authorities a long time ago.

Then again, holding out for a few late night kisses (and maybe a bit more) from his mouth of perfection may not be a complete recipe for disaster after all...

**This is a steamy, contemporary romance novella.**

Okładka książki Legacy of Lies
We’re in this together—lie for lie, truth for truth.

We’ve both been damaged by our pasts, both terrified of building a future…

Still, there’s a sliver of hope for the both of us—if one of us is willing to fold first.

He’s the king of lies, I’m the queen, and together we’re going to build one hell of a legacy...

Whitney G. - Mid Life Love - 8785917491 - oficjalne archiwum Allegro
If you'd asked me what love was two years ago, I probably would've said, 'It's this amazing feeling that obsesses and possesses you; it's what me and my husband currently have.' If you ask me that same question today, I'll say, 'Please get the hell out of my face.’

Claire Gracen's life is picture perfect. Her career as a marketing director is on the brink of being legendary, and her marriage to her high school sweetheart has never been stronger. No, wait. It has. It used to be amazing and fulfilling, but one day Claire realizes that she's been living a lie and her best friend and husband have committed the ultimate betrayal.

Broken and depressed, Claire is in need of something new—new city, new job, new friends.

When she happens to attract the interest of the sexiest man she's ever met, a man significantly younger than her, she immediately turns him down—only to later discover that this man is Jonathan Statham, self-made billionaire and CEO of Statham Industries. Her boss.

Jonathan Statham is unlike any man she's met before. He's used to getting whatever he wants—whenever he wants, and he isn't about to take no for an answer.

Sexy, unpredictable, and charmingly clever, Mid Life Love is a story that will captivate you, entertain you, and force you to fall deeply in love with the characters.

My Last Resolution - Whitney G. (219105) - Lubimyczytać.pl
My boyfriend is an asshole.

A pure, one of a kind, I-wish-I-was-making-this-up asshole.

Every year, I write "Dump his ass" as my most important resolution, but I've never done it.

Until now.

Well, kind of ...

Instead of showing up to our "secret" engagement party, I've shown up to the airport--ready and willing to go wherever the next flight is bound. Determined to keep and fulfill all of my resolutions, I'm proud of myself for finally striking out on my own.

Until I never make it to my final destination. Until the sexy stranger who sat next to me on the plane changes everything. Until my "last resolution" is fulfilled a lot earlier than I thought...

New York Nights - Whitney G. (4272621) - Lubimyczytać.pl
A collection of the steamiest, alpha-male romances from New York Times bestselling author, Whitney G. This collection includes Reasonable Doubt (Full Series), Turbulence: A Cocky Pilot Romance, and Naughty Boss. **Price will go to $9.99 in late February 2017**

Niegrzeczny szef - Whitney G. (4910763) - Lubimyczytać.pl
Nowa powieść autorki bestsellerowej "Turbulencji" i serii Domniemanie niewinności
Michael Leighton, dyrektor nowojorskiego wydawnictwa i znany playboy, szuka nowej asystentki. Dotychczasowe kandydatki nie potrafiły sprostać jego oczekiwaniom. Aż pojawiła się ona.
Mya nie cierpi swojego nowego szefa. Zachowuje się wobec niej niemiło i arogancko. Co prawda nieźle jej płaci i przy tym jest niezwykle pociągający, ale przecież nie jest jego własnością. Postanawia zwolnić się z wydawnictwa i szukać szczęścia w innej firmie.
Szef dowiaduje się o jej decyzji. Nie może pozwolić jej odejść - nie tylko dlatego, że jest perfekcyjna w swojej pracy. Ta kobieta ma w sobie coś więcej. Michael ma plan - jeśli Mya myślała, że jest niegrzecznym szefem to jeszcze nie wie na co go stać.

Niewinna. Domniemanie niewinności. Tom 2 - Whitney G. | Ebook ...
Aubrey okłamała Andrew, złamała podstawową zasadę, której on był wierny całe życie. Chodziło tylko i wyłącznie o szczerość. Gdyby zrobiła to inna kobieta, już dawno wyrzuciłby ją ze swego życia. Jednak ona jest dla niego wyjątkowa.

Andrew z nikim nie był tak blisko jak z Aubrey i dlatego stara się nie dopuścić jej do przeszłości, która ma pozostać nietknięta i niewidoczna dla nikogo.

Jednak gdy w ich życiu pojawia się tajemnicza kobieta, Aubrey zaczyna odkrywać prawdę o Andrew. Na jaw wychodzi coraz więcej kłamstw, które pokazują, że milczenie może być gorsze od prawdy.

Co tak naprawdę wydarzyło się sześć lat temu w życiu Andrew? Czy kłamstwa zniszczą jego związek z Aubrey??

Okładka książki On a Tuesday

We met on a Tuesday.
Became best friends, then lovers, on a Tuesday.
And everything fell apart on a Tuesday…

Charlotte Taylor has three automatic strikes in my book: 1) She hates me. She also claims that I’m a “domineering jerk with a huge, overbearing ego.” (I do have something huge. It’s not my ego, though.) 2) She takes our mandatory tutoring sessions way too seriously. 3) She’s sexy as hell…And a virgin.

At least, those were her strikes before our study sessions started lasting longer than they were supposed to. Until one innocent kiss became a hundred dirty ones, and until she became the first woman I ever fell hard for.

Our future together after graduation was supposed to be set:
Professional football for me. Law school for her.

But she left me at the end of the semester with no explanation, and then she completely disappeared from my life.

Until tonight.

We met on a Tuesday.
Became everything, then nothing, on a Tuesday.
And now it’s seven years later, on a Tuesday…

**This is a full length second chance romance, inspired by Adele’s “When We Were Young”**

Oskarżyciel. Domniemanie niewinności. Wersja kieszonkowa. Tom 1 ...
Andrew Hamilton jest wziętym prawnikiem, który nie traci czasu na dłuższe związki, a noce spędza z poznanymi w sieci przypadkowymi kobietami. Interesują go tylko znajomości bez zobowiązań, które kończą się na jednej kolacji i jednym spotkaniu.
Kiedy pewnej nocy zaczyna konwersację z Alyssą, jest przekonany, że rozmawia z młodą nieatrakcyjną prawniczką, która jest molem książkowym. Andrew myśli, że może jej zaufać i wkrótce dzieli się z nią nie tylko wiedzą, ale i szczegółami swoich podbojów.
Wkrótce na staż do jego kancelarii zgłasza się długonoga blondynka o intrygującym spojrzeniu, która przedstawia się jako Aubrey Everhart i jest 22-letnią studentką prawa. Zszokowany Andrew łączy fakty i rozpoznaje w niej… Alyssę.
Czy to możliwe, aby jedyna kobieta, o której myśli od miesięcy, okazała się podstępną kłamczuchą? Czy Andrew zaufa komuś, kto zawiódł go tak bardzo?

Prawo miłości. Domniemanie niewinności. Tom 3 - Whitney G ...
Kiedy Andrew ostrzegał ją, że jest zimnym i bezdusznym draniem, który nigdy się nie zmieni, powinna była mu uwierzyć. Jednak teraz jest już za późno, bo Aubrey się zakochała.

Wydawało się, że wszystko między nimi się układa, ale Andrew wywinął taki numer, że, Aubrey oprócz miłości będzie musiała znaleźć w swoim sercu miejsce na nienawiść, bo nigdy mu nie wybaczy tego, co zrobił.

Andrew jest przekonany, że Aubrey da się zastąpić, więc wpada w wir przypadkowych randek. Jednak każda kobieta, do której chce się zbliżyć, przypomina mu blondwłosą piękność, w której oczach przeglądał się tyle razy. Chociaż wyrzucił Aubrey ze swojego życia, nie zdawał sobie sprawy, jak bardzo stała się dla niego ważna.

Czy Aubrey da kolejną szansę mężczyźnie, który tak głęboko ją zranił?

Queen of Lies - Whitney G. (4916179) - Lubimyczytać.pl
The woman I fell in love with is a walking contradiction...

She's sexy as hell, yet infuriating. Hopelessly in love with me, but carefully plotting to get the hell away.

She honestly thinks that I'm the 'king of lies'?

Well, she f-cking fooled you...

She's the queen.

Okładka książki Reasonable Doubt: Full Series (Reasonable Doubt, #1-3,25)
My cock has an appetite.

A huge and very particular appetite: Blonde, curvy, and preferably not a fucking liar...(Although, that's a story for another day.) As a high profile lawyer, I don't have time to waste on relationships, so I fulfill my needs by anonymously chatting and sleeping with women I meet online.

My rules are simple: One dinner. One night. No repeats.

This is only casual sex. Nothing more. Nothing less.

At least it was, until "Alyssa"...She was supposed to be a 27 year old lawyer, a book hoarder, and completely unattractive. She was supposed to be someone I shared law advice with late at night, someone I could trust with details of my weekly escapades.

But then she came into my firm for an interview--a college-intern interview, and everything fucking changed...

WHITNEY G -Arizona 2 - Pobierz pdf z Docer.pl
**Note: This is not a standalone or a novel. It’s the previously unpublished epilogue (which I extended :-) ) to "Sincerely, Carter", and the easiest way I could make sure as many readers as possible have it since I normally post things like this on my blog. (And it's FREE!) :-)
PS—Yes, I will still post this on my blog. :-)

Just friends.
We’re just friends.
No, wait. We’re no longer just best friends…

Sincerely, Carter WHITNEY GRACIA WILLIAMS - 7585460882 - oficjalne ...
Just friends.
We’re just friends.
No, really. She’s just my best friend...

Arizona Turner has been my best friend since fourth grade, even when we “hated” each other. We’ve been there for one another through first kisses, first “times,” and we’ve been each other’s constant when good relationships turned bad. (We even went to colleges that were minutes away from each other…)

Throughout the years, and despite what anyone says, we’ve never crossed the line.

Never thought about it.
Never wanted to.

Until one night changed everything.
At least, it should’ve ...

Just friends.
We’re just friends.
I’m only saying this until I figure out if she’s still “just” my best friend…

Thirty Day Boyfriend - Whitney G. (4807251) - Lubimyczytać.pl
I should've never agreed to this arrangement...

Thirty days ago, my boss--Mr. Wolf of Wall Street, came to me with an offer I couldn't refuse: Sign my name on the dotted line and pretend to be his fiancée for one month. If I agreed, he would let me out of my employment contract with a "very generous" severance package.

The rules were pretty simple: No intimate kissing, no actual sex. Just pretend to love each other for the press, even though I've secretly wanted to knock that sexy smirk off his face since the first day we met.

I definitely didn't need to think twice about this. I signed my name and started counting down the seconds to when I would never have to deal with his special brand of ass-holery again.

I only made it to one minute...

We argued the entire four-hour flight to his hometown, failed to make a convincing impression with the welcoming press, and right when I was about to knock that arrogant look off his face in real life? He purposely dropped his bath towel in front of me, distracting me with his nine-inch cock to "show me who the bigger person was" in our relationship. Then he gave me his trademark smirk once again and asked if I wanted to consummate our marriage.

Tragically, this is only day one.
We still have 29 more days to go..

Turbulence: The Epilogue - Whitney G. (4186871) - Lubimyczytać.pl
**Note: This is the epilogue to the novel Turbulence. It is not a standalone or a novella. It should be priced as FREE so if it is not, please visit my website (www.whitneygracia.com) under the "Epilogues" tab to read it or wait until amazon permanently matches the price. :-) **

This is us.
This is our messed up love.
This is turbulence.

Turbulencja (Whitney G.) książka w księgarni TaniaKsiazka.pl
Spotkali się w chmurach: pilot i stewardessa. Skandal wisiał w powietrzu.

Gillian przybywa do Nowego Jorku w poszukiwaniu sensu życiu. Wkrótce rozpoczyna pracę jako stewardessa. Na pokładzie jednego z samolotów poznaje aroganckiego do granic wytrzymałości, lecz diabelnie przystojnego pilota Jake’a, eksperta w przygodach na jedną noc, którego nie interesują randki, zwierzenia i trzymanie się za ręce.

Para decyduje się na prosty układ – seks bez zobowiązań. Zaczyna się szalona seksowna podniebna podróż. Sceny namiętności na różnych lotniskach, w hotelach i miejscach na świecie. Tajemnicze telefony, problemy rodzinne i mroczne cienie przeszłości, które dopadają Jake’a. Pojawia się też niepohamowane uczucie Gillian.

W pewnym momencie bohaterowie będą musieli skonfrontować swoje oczekiwania. Czy wyjdzie im to na dobre?

Two Weeks Notice - Whitney G. (4857741) - Lubimyczytać.pl

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to formally announce my resignation from Parker International (& the arrogant, condescending CEO) effective two weeks from today.

This was a VERY EASY decision to make, as the past two years have been utterly miserable. I wish his next executive assistant all the luck in the world (she'll need it) and if my boss should need me to do anything over the next two weeks, kindly tell him that he can do it [his] goddamn self...

Sincerely (Not Really),
Tara Lauren

That's the version of my two weeks' notice I should've sent to my boss, because the more professional version--the one where I said I was "grateful for all the opportunities," and "honored by all the rewarding experiences" over the years?

That letter was rejected with his sexy, trademark smirk and an "I highly suggest you read the fine print of your contract..."

So, I did.

And now I've realized that unless I fake my death, poison him, or find a way to renegotiate my impossible contract, I'm stuck working under one of the cockiest and most ruthless bosses in New York.

Then again, I thought that was the case until he called me late last night with an emergency proposition...

**This is a standalone contemporary romance.**


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