"Chaos" CYKL!!!

Own the Wind - Kristen Ashley (195525) - Lubimyczytać.pl
Too hot to handle...

Tabitha Allen grew up in the thick of Chaos—the Chaos Motorcycle Club, that is. Her father is Chaos' leader, and the club has always had her back. But one rider was different from the start. When Tabby was running wild, Shy Cage was there. When tragedy tore her life apart, he helped her piece it back together. And now, Tabby's thinking about much more than friendship...

Tabby is everything Shy's ever wanted, but everything he thinks he can't have. She's beautiful, smart, and as his friend's daughter, untouchable. Shy never expected more than friendship, so when Tabby indicates she wants more—much more—he feels like the luckiest man alive. But even lucky men can crash and burn...

Fire Inside - Kristen Ashley (198410) - Lubimyczytać.pl
Lanie Heron isn’t looking for love—no surprise, considering her last serious relationship nearly got her killed. So when Lanie propositions Hop Kincaid, all she wants is one wild night with the hot-as-hell biker who patrols with the Chaos Motorcycle Club...

For Hop, Lanie has always been untouchable. She’s too polished and too classy for his tastes. But when she gives Hop the once-over with her bedroom eyes and offers him a night in paradise, he can’t say no. And he doesn’t regret it when he finds that Lanie is the best thing that’s ever happened to him—in or out of bed. Now the trick will be to convince her of that.

Ride Steady - Kristen Ashley (4823691) - Lubimyczytać.pl
Przejażdżka jej życia...
Dawno, dawno temu Carissa Teodoro wierzyła w szczęśliwe zakończenia. Pieniądze, małżeństwo, macierzyństwo: wszystko przyszło łatwo - dopóki nie dostrzegła okrutnej prawdy o swym Księciu z bajki. Teraz Carissa znalazła się w tarapatach. Samotna mama, unieruchomiona na poboczu przez przebitą oponę, rozmyśla nad popełnionymi błędami, gdy dziwnie znajomy rycerz na tonie koni mechanicznych, nadjeżdża by ją uratować.
Wsiadaj i mocno się trzymaj...
W liceum, Carson Steele był złym chłopcem, samotnikiem. Ustawił Carissę na piedestale, z którego była dla niego niedostępna. Dziś, jest twardym motocyklistą, znanym jako Joker, zaś ze sposobu, w jaki zachowuje się Carissa, łatwo odczytać, że spada. Podczas, gdy trudno powstrzymać się przed złapaniem jej, to wiedzieć co z nią począć jest już inną historią. Grzeczna dziewczynka, taka jak Carissa jest ostatnią z osób, które pasują do Klubu Motocyklowego Chaos. Szkoda tylko, że powstrzymywanie się jest tak cholernie trudne. Teraz, gdy sekrety Jokera ujrzały światło dzienne i zewnętrzny wróg zagraża klubowi, Joker musi podjąć decyzję, czy jechać spokojnie z Carissą - czy odjechać na zawsze...

Walk Through Fire - Kristen Ashley (4917127) - Lubimyczytać.pl
Millie Cross knows what it's like to burn for someone. She was young and wild and he was fierce and even wilder-a Chaos biker who made her heart pound. They fell in love at first sight and life was good, until she learned she couldn't be the woman he needed and made it so he had no choice but to walk away. Twenty years later, Millie's chance run-in with her old flame sparks a desire she just can't ignore. And this time, she won't let him ride off . . .

Bad boy Logan "High" Judd has seen his share of troubles with the law. Yet it was a beautiful woman who broke him. After ending a loveless marriage, High is shocked when his true love walks back into his life. Millie is still gorgeous, but she's just a ghost of her former self. High's intrigued at the change, but her betrayal cut him deep-and he doesn't want to get burned again. As High sinks into meting out vengeance for Millie's betrayal, he'll break all over again when he realizes just how Millie walked through fire for her man . . .

Wild Like the Wind: Vol. 6 KRISTEN ASHLEY - 7817379311 - oficjalne ...
The brother known as Hound has a reputation. He’s all about cracking heads, having a good time, and when the Chaos Motorcycle Club needs someone to do the tough job, they call on him.
But Hound has a secret. He fell in love with a woman years ago. She’s untouchable. Unattainable. And even when her status changes, for Hound, it remains the same.
Keely Black had it all early and lost it all not long after. Thrown into an abyss of loss and grief, she’s faced a life of raising two sons alone and battling the rage at all that had been ripped from them.
And why.
Words spoken in anger open Hound’s and Keely’s eyes. For Hound, he sees he’s wasted his life loving the wrong woman. Keely sees she’s wasting her life not opening herself to the love of a good man.


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